Insured Finance Smart Contracts Deployed
Insured Finance approaches full-scale testnet release after deploying smart contracts to Mumbai Testnet
All Insured Finance smart contracts have now been deployed on the Mumbai testnet as the decentralized insurance marketplace approaches it’s full-scale testnet release. All of the smart contracts have been rigorously tested by the Insured Finance development team.
Full efforts have now turned to auditing the contracts ahead of the testnet release. The development team is currently making some minor edits to the contracts. Several contract addresses can currently be viewed by anyone on the Mumbai Polygonscan explorer. Contracts related to claims, listing data, cover data, and platform data can all be publicly viewed.
The deployment of all contracts on the Mumbai testnet gives the Insured Finance team ample time to identify any bugs or required changes for the contracts. Insured Finance has always emphasized security and will ensure that the contracts underpinning the marketplace are optimized and bug-free.
Insured Finance is approaching an extremely exciting phase in its development. With the smart contracts deployed, the marketplace is close to full-scale testnet release where users will be able to try all of the features of the two-sided insurance marketplace. The Insured Finance community and long-term advocates will be able to experience the full potential of this disruptive technology.